Enem 2020: Registration Date, Exams, Changes and Result

Enem 2020 ← How to register ✓ Enem 2020 Schedule ✓ Who can participate ✓ Documents ✓ What changed in the Exam ✓ Ticket value ✓ 2020 Results ✓

Whenever we arrive at a new year, thousands of high school students want to know what Enem 2020. This is because the exam is essential for those who already have new plans for the end of their studies. The final grade obtained by these participants is the main tool for anyone who wants to attend a university. Whether private or private, it is essential to obtain a good grade in the Enem 2020.


Enem 2020

Enem 2020

O National High School Examination It has been one of the best-known races among young Brazilians. This is because this exam is the main gateway to universities. Therefore, every year, high school students and those who have already graduated prepare for this test.

It is through the grade obtained that young people are able to participate in social programs such as PROUNI, SISU, FIES. And in addition to them, many private universities require a minimum grade as a selective score for enrollment.

Therefore, it is always good that your participants can keep an eye on your main procedures. This is because it is not just about signing up, but following the new rules established for the Enem 2020.

Who can register for Enem 2020?

As we have already given an overview of who the main participants in this exam are, we need to know a little more. This is because you need to obtain some information when registering and know who can register for Enem 2020.

To be able to carry out these steps, you must:

  • Identity Document and CPF;
  • You are enrolled in the last year of high school or have already completed your studies;
  • Have a physical address to register;
  • Pay your registration fee or request and be approved for an exemption.

Enem 2020 Registration

In order for young people to be able to register to take the exam, it is necessary to follow the Enem 2020 registrations. The procedure is very simple and only requires attention to the information provided by the candidate.

They are always done online through the INEP website (National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira), mainly responsible for preparing the exam. See below how to do it:

  • Within the registration period, click on registrations and register with your CPF on the portal;
  • Then, log in and start filling out the form with your personal details;
  • Answer the questionnaire, choose your test location and foreign language,
  • And end the entire procedure by clicking finish.

Do not forget! This procedure is very simple, but can be a bit extensive. And as always there is a large number of subscribers in the And either, the site may become a little overloaded and slow. So, be patient and attentive.

Enem 2020 Schedule

One of the main points for participants is to always keep an eye on the Enem schedule 2020. This is because it is through it that you will know information about each procedure. It is through these dates that students can consult their operating rules

Furthermore, it is also very important for those who wish to request Enem 2020 exemption. A period is always given at the beginning of registration and if it ends, you will not be able to request it later. And for those who don't receive this discount, check the payment deadlines.

At the moment these dates have not yet been established by INEP, but you can follow the most recent schedule below:

  • March 21, 2018: publication of the Notice;
  • April 2, 2018: request for exemption and justification for absence in the previous edition;
  • April 15, 2018: exemption request ends;
  • May 7, 2018: registration period and payment period;
  • May 18, 2018: registration closure, data changes and requests for specific services;
  • May 23, 2018: deadline for payment;
  • October 22, 2018: announcement of test locations;
  • November 4th and 11th, 2018: application of the first and second test;
  • January 18, 2019: release of individual results.

The value of this fee is R$ 82, as soon as more details about the Enem schedule 2020, we will be keeping you updated with the latest news.

Enem Results 2020

As you have already seen above, the results 2020 It is always released at the beginning of the following year. This is because it is at this time, when the main inclusion programs at universities, open registration.

As there are many and it is also necessary to describe the details of the writing, I really need to wait a little. But you can take your test and get the feedback before the individual results of the exam. Enem 2020.

Enem 2020 Changes

A subject that has been widely discussed among students is the Enem 2020 changes. It turns out that, with the changes in the high school curriculum, the tests will also undergo some changes.

This is because it must be in accordance with what is taught in the classroom, based on the modifications. If you are no longer a high school student, you need to keep track of these curricular changes, so that you don't get lost with the test.

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