How to Get Educa Mais Brasil and FIES: See How It’s Possible

Find out now how to have Educa Mais Brasil and FIES. See the program rules, differences and how to have Educa Mais Brasil and FIES at the same time.

If you've made it this far, you probably want to know how to have Educa Mais Brasil and FIES, isn't it? Know that you are not the only one who has this doubt and, therefore, we have created this special article to clarify all your questions. Stay with us and find out how to have Educa Mais Brasil and FIES!

Como Ter o Educa Mais Brasil e FIES

How to Get Educa Mais Brasil and FIES

How Do These Programs Work?

Before finding out if it is possible and how to have Educa Mais Brasil and FIES, how about understanding a little better how these programs work?

Educa Mais Brasil

Educa Mais Brasil is an educational inclusion program that is among the largest in the country. For over a decade, the program has been allowing students who cannot afford to pay full tuition to have access to several private educational institutions.

The program distributes partial scholarships that can reach up to 70% in discounts. The modalities supported by Educa Mais Brasil are:

  • Graduation
  • Postgraduate
  • Basic education
  • Technical courses
  • Language courses
  • Youth and Adult Education Courses (EJA)
  • Preparatory courses for public exams
  • Preparatory courses for university entrance exams

If you want to study a course whose monthly fee is R$ 600.00, if you get a 50% scholarship, you will only pay R$ 300.00 per month until you graduate.



FIES is a little different from Educa Mais Brasil. Its goal is not to distribute scholarships, but rather to allow students to finance their higher education courses.

In other words, after taking out the loan, the student has his/her entire course paid for by the government until he/she graduates. After graduating, he/she begins to pay back the loan, that is, return the money to the government, respecting the program's interest rate, which is currently 6.5% per year.

What is the difference between the two programs?

The nature of the programs is quite different. One of them, Educa Mais Brasil, is a scholarship program. The other, FIES, is a government-funded financing fund.

Therefore, the main difference between Educa Mais Brasil and FIES is that with Educa Mais Brasil you do not need to “return” anything to the Government, since the scholarship aims to reduce your costs, and not “lend” you money to study.


How to get Educa Mais Brasil and FIES?

Unfortunately, Educa Mais Brasil does not allow the accumulation of benefits. Therefore, when you receive a scholarship through the program, it is not possible to finance the rest of the monthly fee through FIES.

Following the same example we mentioned, if your course has a monthly fee of R$ 600.00 and you get a scholarship of 50%, you will not be able to finance the monthly fee of R$ 300.00 through FIES or any other line of student financing.

However, there is nothing stopping a student from benefiting from both programs at the same time, as long as they are in different courses and modalities. It is possible to finance an undergraduate course in Administration through FIES, for example, and get a scholarship from Educa Mais Brasil for a technical course in Business Administration.

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