Credit Pravaler 2017: Everything About!

See how to apply for Crédito Pravaler 2017. Learn about the rules for Crédito Pravaler 2017, registration requirements, partner institutions and simulation.

If you are unable to obtain a scholarship through Educa Mais Brasil, you can use the Credit Pravaler 2017. This is a university credit that has been in existence for over 10 years and that enables access to higher education. Today, it's time for you to learn all about it. Credit Pravaler 2017 and start changing your life!

Crédito Pravaler 2017

Credit Pravaler 2017

How does the 2017 Pravaler Credit work?

O Credit Pravaler 2017 It is the largest private university credit program in our country. This is an exclusive financing program for higher education, allowing students to pay their tuition fees in installments.

While studying, Pravaler pays the monthly tuition fees. The credit program pays the cost of a full semester to the educational institution and the student then makes the installment payments to Pravaler.

What are the advantages of the Pravaler 2017 Credit?

Many advantages will make you excited and confident about hiring Pravaler. Check out some of them:

  • The program has 10 years of experience and is the largest in the country in the student loan category;
  • Credit pre-approval is straightforward and free from bureaucracy;
  • Pravaler can be requested at any time throughout the year;
  • It is not necessary to have taken the ENEM to request credit;
  • It is not necessary to have a bank account to apply for credit;
  • There is no limit to the number of places available at Pravaler.


Who Can Apply for the Pravaler 2017 Credit?

To hire the Credit Pravaler 2017, it is necessary to meet some requirements:

  • Be duly enrolled in an educational institution that is a partner of the program or enroll at the time of requesting credit;
  • Be approved under the program's credit policy, that is, not have any restrictions in SPC or SERASA.
  • Have a guarantor (a person who will support you in your decision to study and will be responsible for paying your installments if you fail to meet your commitment) with a minimum income of 1 minimum wage, who does not have a current contract with Pravaler and who is not a guarantor for another student at Pravaler. Your guarantor must also not have any credit restrictions.

Which Educational Institutions Are Partners of Crédito Pravaler 2017?

More than 300 institutions are partners in the program.

To check the complete list, go to this address and search in the “Colleges” area. 

How to Simulate a Pravaler Credit 2017?

How about doing a credit simulation so you can plan your finances?

Step 1

Access this page and fill in all the information as shown in the image below. Then, click on the “Simulate” button and wait for the results. 


Step 2

The new screen will display the simulation result and your installment with Pravaler. You can run a new simulation by clicking on the “Simulate Again” button, or start taking out the credit by clicking on the “Fill in now!” button.


How to Apply for Pravaler Credit 2017?

If you did the simulation as we taught in the previous topic, you learned how to start your hiring after checking the results.

However, if you want to take out a loan without simulating the value of the installments, just access this link, fill in the indicated field with your CPF number and continue filling in the other fields with the requested information.

Good luck!

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