Educa Mais Brasil 2017 Boleto 2 copies: Print 2 copies and Renew
See how to print Educa Mais Brasil 2017 invoice 2 copies. Check it out, print the Educa Mais Brasil 2017 bill in 2 copies and renew your scholarship without any problems.
Lost your renewal slip? Calm down! As Educa Mais Brasil 2017 Boleto 2 copies, you can renew your scholarship and continue studying with a discount on monthly fees. Let's see below how this renewal works and how to print the Educa Mais Brasil 2017 Boleto 2 copies.

Educa Mais Brasil 2017 Boleto 2 copies
Ask around and you will find several people commenting on Educa Mais Brasil as one of the best educational inclusion initiatives in our country. No wonder: the program offers scholarships at private educational institutions that can reach a discount of up to 70%.
Have you ever imagined how incredible it would be to fulfill your dream of completing your studies or specializing? This dream can indeed become reality with the help of Educa Mais Brasil.
Operating for more than 10 years in our country, the program allows students who cannot pay a full monthly fee to have access to private education.
- See Also → Educa Mais Brasil 2017 Partner Colleges
Educa Mais Brasil has partnerships with more than 15 thousand institutions that offer courses in different modalities. See some examples:
- Technical courses;
- Free Courses;
- Language Courses;
- Graduation;
- Postgraduate studies;
- Preparatory Courses for Competitions;
- Pre-University Courses;
- EJA Courses (Youth and Adult Education);
- Basic education.
Colleges, technical schools, colleges and university centers across the country have already benefited more than 400,000 students through the program Educa Mais Brasil 2017. You can be the next!
How about investing in quality training to build a successful career and contribute to the country’s development?
Before knowing how to renew your scholarship and issue the Educa Mais Brasil 2017 Boleto 2 copies, let’s understand better how registrations work.
How do registrations for Educa Mais Brasil work?
The Educa Mais Brasil program is a true incentive for education, as there is no major bureaucracy when it comes to granting scholarships. It's simple: if there is a place for the chosen course at the desired institution, the scholarship is awarded instantly!
Registration for the program is done exclusively online. Interested parties must follow these steps:
Step 1
Access the official website of Educa Mais Brasil. In the menu on the left, select your modality and then the location/course in the box that opens.
Step 2
Observe the results and click on the “I want this scholarship” button on the desired course.
Step 3
A new screen will open for you to select a second course of interest and increase your chances of getting a scholarship.
Step 4
On the next screen, register by filling out all the fields carefully and click on the “Confirm” button. You will receive a registration confirmation. If there is a vacancy, as we said, the scholarship will be awarded immediately.
Educa Mais Brasil 2017 Boleto 2 copy, Scholarship Renewal
Your Educa Mais Brasil scholarship must be renewed every six months until the course is completed. Therefore, every 6 months, you must access the Student Portal and carry out the renewal, with your data.
If you encounter access problems, immediately call the Educa Mais Brasil center at 4007-2020 or yet 0800 724 7202.
For your scholarship to be renewed, you must pay the administrative fee charged by the program.
You can view or print the Educa Mais Brasil 2017 Boleto 2 copies directly on your Student Portal and make the payment within the informed deadline.
Whenever you lose your bill, you can access the Portal and issue a duplicate. This way, you guarantee the renewal of your scholarship and can continue studying with a discount on monthly fees!