Educa Mais Brasil 2017 Curitiba: Scholarships, Registration

Find out everything about Educa Mais Brasil 2017 Curitiba. See when to access Educa Mais Brasil 2017 Curitiba, types of scholarships and step-by-step instructions for registration.

If you live in the Curitiba region and want to study, you should know that getting discounts on monthly fees is already a reality. As Educa Mais Brasil 2017 Curitiba, discounts reach 70%. Do you want to know more information about scholarships? Educa Mais Brasil 2017 Curitiba? Stay with us.

Educa Mais Brasil 2017 Curitiba

Educa Mais Brasil 2017 Curitiba

In our country, being able to study is still a dream for many people. With monthly fees increasingly abusive, many citizens are unable to pay with the little money they receive and end up without training.

The job market is increasingly demanding, giving preference to those who are more qualified, so investing in education is still the best way.

Scholarships offered by the program Educa Mais Brasil They can be a great alternative for those who want to start studying and guarantee a better professional future.

There are thousands of scholarships that reach 70% discount in the monthly fee! Be sure to follow all the information we will give you here. Stay with us and change your life!

Educa Mais Brasil 2017 Curitiba: Information About the Program

This program has existed for more than 11 years and was created by the Federal Government together with Instituto Educar. In total, more than 300,000 scholarships have been distributed throughout the country with the aim of promoting the educational inclusion of diverse citizens across the country.


These scholarships guarantee discounts on tuition fees that can reach 70%. This means education is accessible to everyone and contributes to the country's educational development.

O Educa Mais Brasil 2017 Curitiba offers scholarships in the following teaching modalities:

  • Basic education;
  • Technical courses;
  • Education for Youth and Adults (EJA);
  • Professional courses;
  • Preparatory Courses for Competitions and ENEM;
  • Pre entrance exam;
  • Undergraduate and Postgraduate;
  • Languages.

There are many course options and you will certainly find one that meets your expectations.

How to Register and Apply for a Scholarship?

As we said, the scholarships offered can reach a discount of 70% on the Educa Mais Brasil 2017 Curitiba. That's a lot of discount, isn't it? So, be sure to take advantage of this opportunity!


It is important to remember that registration for 2017 has not yet been opened, so you must be careful to register at the beginning of the year.

Registering is very easy, you just need to follow a few steps. See below what they are:

  1. The first step is to access the official Educa Mais Brasil address by clicking here;
  2. On the left side of the screen, you will see options for modalities such as undergraduate, postgraduate and basic education. Choose one and click.
  3. Enter the city and course you wish to take;
  4. A screen will open with all the course options and institutions that offer them. Choose one by clicking on the “I want this bag” option;
  5. Follow all the steps that appear on the screen and finish the process.

The scholarships of Educa Mais Brasil Curitiba 2017 will be offered throughout the year, so take advantage and start studying as soon as possible! You just have to win.

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