Educa Mais Brasil 2020: Registration, Courses with 70% Scholarships

EDUCA MAIS BRASIL 2020 → Check here how to register for the Educa Mais Brasil 2020 program ✓ Courses with scholarships 70% Educa Mais Brasil ✓ Scholarships ✓

Educa Mais Brasil 2020 is the oldest free scholarship program in Brazil, responsible for more than 400 thousand scholarships across the country. If you want to know how to sign up for the program Educa Mais Brasil 2020 and secure a scholarship that will cover 70% of your study costs, continue reading this article and find out more!


Educa Mais Brasil 2020

Discover Educa Mais Brasil 2020

Educa Mais Brasil 2020 It is the oldest scholarship program in all of Brazil, being responsible for thousands of students entering private educational institutions.

The scholarships generated by the program Educa Mais Brasil 2020 they can reach up to 70% of the total amount charged by the private educational institution, thus reducing expenses quite significantly for students and their guardians.

Something that is always good to remember is that the Educa Mais Brasil 2020 It is not a scholarship initiative aimed solely at private higher education institutions.

The scholarships given by the program cover several different types of education levels, ranging from kindergarten to higher education. However, all partner institutions are in the private education sector.

Types of Educa Mais Brasil scholarship 2020

Educa Mais Brasil 2020 it has approximately a total of 20 thousand partner institutions in its program, offering teaching at several different academic levels.

In this way, there is a wide range of people who can apply for one of the scholarship positions offered in the program. Educa Mais Brasil 2020.

See below the types of academic centers that participate in the initiative Educa Mais Brasil:

  • Faculties;
  • Colleges;
  • Technical schools;
  • University centers.

ATTENTION: All of the academic centers mentioned above are the responsibility of private authorities, that is, they have no link with the Government, but are partners in the program Educa Mais Brasil 2020.

Therefore, these institutions will charge normal registration and monthly fees, of which Educa Mais Brasil will cover 70% of the total amount, leaving only a small part to be paid by the student or guardian.

Courses present at Educa Mais Brasil 2020

As already stated above, the courses that are offered and accepted by the scholarship program at Educa Mais Brasil 2020 It doesn’t just serve higher education students.

Therefore, elementary school students, for example, can also apply and win a scholarship of up to 70% of the amount charged by the institution, to attend the school of their choice.

See below the types of courses that scholarships are offered at Educa Mais Brasil 2020:

  • Basic education;
  • EJA (Education for Young People and Adults);
  • Free courses;
  • Technical courses;
  • Pre entrance exam;
  • Preparation for Competitions;
  • Graduation;
  • Postgraduate studies;
  • Languages.

In this way, the Educa Mais Brasil 2020 It has offers in its database for all the cases mentioned above, for students of all age groups.

Educa Mais Brasil partner institutions

Educa Mais Brasil 2020, its main objective is to reduce the distance between education and low-income young people who cannot afford to pay for the course they want.

Therefore, this initiative recruited thousands of educational institutions throughout Brazil and with this they made a scholarship agreement. These institutions became known as “Partner Companies”.

Thanks to Educa Mais Brasil in partnership with these institutions, low-income students can attend high-level private schools and universities paying a monthly fee well below the real cost of the educational institution.

Many of these schools and universities offer scholarships that can range from 50% to 70% of the full cost of the entire course for its duration.

Thanks to this, throughout the entire existence of the program Educa Mais Brasil, More than 400 thousand scholarships have already been generated and guaranteed for Brazilians to complete their studies at several different levels.

Check out a list of just a few educational institutions that participate in the Educa Mais Brasil:

Private secondary education centers

  • Colégio Heitor Villa Lobos;
  • Miguel College;
  • College 2001;
  • Dom Bosco College;
  • Colégio São Francisco de Assis;
  • Colégio Pitágoras Cidade Jardim;
  • Tecla College;
  • College System;
  • Colégio Pedro II;
  • Success College
  • Medici College;
  • Colégio Brás Leme.

Private higher education centers 

  • Newton Paiva;
  • SENAC Santa Catarina;
  • UNIP (Universidade Paulista);
  • Estácio;
  • Joaquim Nabuco College;
  • Unopar;
  • Univeritas;
  • Anhanguera;
  • Uninassau;
  • Pitagoras College;
  • UNIFG;
  • FACEMG (Faculty of Education of Minas Gerais);
  • Cruzeiro do Sul University;
  • Colleges Promote.

If you would like to see the complete list of academic centers participating in the Educa Mais Brasil 2020, with thousands of other institutions at several different levels of education.

Visit the institution's official website, or Click here.

Who can sign up for Educa Mais Brasil?

The program's priority is to serve those people who have a financial level below the national average, and are therefore unable to pay in full the monthly fees for a complete course in a private network.

Therefore, to participate in the program, the interested candidate must meet this and other requirements so that he or she can be accepted into the program. Educa Mais Brasil 2020.

Educa Mais Brasil scholarships are worth up to 70% of the full amount charged by the educational institution, that is, the value of the scholarship never reaches 100% of the total value, but it already comes with a discount that can vary between 50% and 70%.

If you are interested, see a list below that corresponds to all the demands required by the rules of Educa Mais Brasil and partner institutions:

  • Not have started enrolling at the chosen educational institution;
  • Prove low-income status and cannot afford the full monthly payments;
  • The candidate must pass selection processes at the institution they chose, such as entrance exams, interviews and tests;
  • It is necessary to have a satisfactory performance in the National High School Exam – ENEM (for those who want a place at a higher education institution);
  • Comply with the rules of the program notice;
  • Anyone without an educational connection for at least 6 months after finishing high school.

Registration for Educa Mais Brasil 2020

If you meet all the requirements highlighted above, you are qualified to effectively participate in the program Educa Mais Brasil 2020.

It is during your registration at the educational institution of your choice that you will find out the size of your scholarship and how much you will pay in monthly fees.

See the step-by-step explanation below on how to register for the Educa Mais Brasil 2020 and I understand the processes:

  • First of all, you must access the official Educa Mais Brasil website, or Click here to be redirected to the website;

  • After that, in the left corner of the screen you must choose the type of institution you want to attend (Undergraduate, higher education…);

  • Then you must choose the city where you live and what level of education you want;
  • After that, you will be shown all available institutions, choose the one you want;

  • Then click “I want this Scholarship”;
  • See all the information regarding the scholarship you want and click again on “I want this Scholarship”;

  • Then fill out the form that will appear with your data that will be requested;

  • Now just wait for contact from the institution.

After that, the program Educa Mais Brasil 2020 and the institution you chose to attend, will carry out a joint analysis of all the data you provided, thus checking everything to see if you meet the requirements.

If everything is in order, the Institution you want will contact you by phone or email.

Renewal of the Educa Mais Brasil contract

The program of Educa Mais Brasil 2020 requires the student or their guardian to renew their contract every new academic period, that is, every 6 months.

This renewal process allows the candidate to confirm that they still intend to remain at the institution and retake the chosen course for another 6 months.

This process serves so that both the educational institution and Educa Mais Brasil 2020 can continue with their enrollment, as there are cases of people who drop out of their courses within a period of 6 months.

As a result, Educa Mais Brasil ends up financing a student who no longer attends classes, which ends up becoming a waste.

This way, after the candidate cancels their enrollment, their scholarship will be transferred to another student who is entering the program. Educa Mais Brasil 2020.

If he renews his enrollment in the program, everything will continue normally, without changes to the scholarship value or exclusion from the contract.

For those of you who are already an Educa Mais Brasil beneficiary and want to know how to renew, see below a simple step-by-step guide on how to carry out this process:

  • You must first access the official Educa Mais Brasil website, Click here;

  • Once on the website, go to “Student Portal”, located in the top right corner of the screen;
  • In this field, enter your full CPF to enter the portal;
  • After logging in, look for the “Financing” option.

Okay, after that, just follow the steps on the website and you will renew your registration and be able to enjoy your scholarship for another 6 months, until you have to renew it again.

Contact Educa Mais Brasil

If you wish to speak directly to one of the customer service representatives, Educa Mais Brasil 2020 and answer any other questions, you can call the program's call center.

Telephones: 4007 2020 – capitals or metropolitan regions / 0800 724 7202 – other locations.

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