Educa Mais Brasil 2020 Registration: Registration, Courses and Partner Schools

EDUCA MAIS BRASIL 2020 REGISTRATION → See here how to participate in Educa Mais Brasil 2020 Registration ✓ Courses ✓ Partner Schools and Colleges ✓ Scholarships ✓

Vacancies will once again be opened for the Educa Mais Brasil 2020 registration, where low-income students can register and thus win scholarships that can go up to 70%. Therefore, if you want to know how to make your Educa Mais Brasil 2020 registration, continue reading this article and find out more!  

Educa Mais Brasil 2020 

The program of Educa Mais Brasil is an initiative to encourage study, this is the largest scholarship project in all of Brazil, being responsible for the graduation of thousands of students. 

Every year, the program opens Educa Mais Brasil 2020 registration so that new students can register and thus be able to complete their studies. 

Educa Mais Brazil Courses

Vacancies for the Educa Mais Brasil 2020 registration will be opened and with them new students will be able to apply for several different areas. 

See below what they are and understand What is Educa Mais Brasil

  • Basic education  
  • EJA – Education for young people and adults;  
  • Educa Mais Brasil Technical Courses;
  • Languages; 
  • Preparations for competitions; 
  • Professional courses; 
  • Graduation 
  • Postgraduate studies. 

Educa Mais Brasil Inscrição 

Remembering that all institutions belonging to the Educa Mais Brasil 2020 program are from the private education network. 

✓ Also participate in free programs:

However, the student can get a scholarship of up to 70% of the total cost of their course, regardless of their level. 

Partner institutions Educa Mais Brasil 2020 

There are thousands of institutions that are part of the Educa Mais Brasil team, and they are available for enrolling new students every year when the Educa Mais Brasil portal Educa Mais Brasil 2020 registration opens to new students. 

See below some of the institutions belonging to the Educa Mais Brasil group: 

University education: 

  • Unisa – University of Santo Amaro; 
  • São Camilo Center; 
  • Sumaré College; 
  • Unopar;  
  • Estácio;  
  • FMU Educational Complex; 
  • Uni from São Paulo; 
  • Uninassau;  
  • Unip – Universidade Paulista; 
  • Anhanguera; 
  • Unicid – City University of São Paulo; 
  • Southern Cross.  

Basic education: 

  • Teixeira Queiroz Educational Center; 
  • Phoenix College; 
  • Colégio São Francisco de Assis; 
  • Colégio Ouro Grosso; 
  • Colégio São Matheus;  
  • New Day College; 
  • Emae – Enchanted Garden; 
  • Maranata Education Institute; 
  • Bambinos Recreation; 
  • EI Soft Rainbow; 
  • Mônica educational center;  
  • Escola do Saber Early Childhood Education;  
  • Domingos Estela Rosa; 
  • College May 3; 
  • Colégio Brás Leme; 
  • La Font Institute; 
  • Brumline College; 
  • Colégio Mendes Garrido; 
  • Awakening of Knowledge; 
  • Castle of Dreams; 
  • Colégio Dom Bosco Vila Matilde; 
  • Recria College. 

To see the complete list of partner institutions that will open Educa Mais Brasil registration later this year, click here and check out the one closest to you. 

Educa Mais Brasil 2020 Requirements 

So that you can carry out your Educa Mais Brasil 2020 registration, it is first of all necessary that you meet the demands required by the program in order to apply.

✓ See other similar programs:

See the requirements below: 

Educa Mais Brasil Inscrição 

  • The candidate must have a per capita monthly family income below the national average; 
  • The student cannot already be enrolled at the institution from which they wish to obtain a scholarship; 
  • The student must be at least 6 months out of an educational institution; 
  • The student must pass all assessments in their teaching unit. 

If you meet all the requirements listed above, you will be able to register without any problems. 

Educa Mais Brasil 2020 Registration 

If you now wish to participate in Educa Mais Brasil 2020 registration, Know that the entire process is done online, so you don't need to go to the unit you want to attend to enroll. 

See below a step-by-step guide on how to register: 

  • Access the official Educa Mais Brasil website, or Click here

Educa Mais Brasil 2020 Inscrição 

  • Choose which modality you want; 
  • Then choose your city and course and click on “I want a scholarship”; 

Educa Mais Brasil 2020 Inscrição 

  • See all the information about your choice; 

Educa Mais Brasil 2020

  • Click on “I want a scholarship” again; 
  • Complete the form and send; 

Educa Mais Brasil 2020

  • Print your registration slip. 

After you pay your invoice, your place in Educa Mais Brasil 2020 will be finalized and you will be able to go to the institution you chose to start your studies. If in doubt, access the Educa Mais Brasil student portal.


If you still have any questions about the Educa Mais Brasil 2020, you can call phone Educa Mais Brasil 2020 and answer your questions, see the numbers below: 

  • Capitals and metropolitan regions: 4007 2020; 
  • Other locations: 0800 724 7202. 

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