NEORA 2018 Scholarships: Applications, Scholarships Up to 70%

Neora 2018 Scholarships ➜ See details about Courses ✓✓ Step-by-step instructions for registration ✓✓ Questions about the Neora 2018 Scholarships program ✓✓

Anyone who wants to study, but is unable to pay a full monthly fee, can opt for the Neora 2018 Scholarships! With this program you can get discounts on your monthly fee. It is possible to change your life! Check out how it works Neora 2018 Scholarships and start the course you want without having to pay a lot for it!

NEORA 2018 Bolsas de Estudo

NEORA 2018 Scholarships

Existing thanks to the company Mais Estudos, Neora's mission is to offer scholarships at partner educational institutions. The entire procedure is done online.

Neora has more than 1 million people registered for the scholarships offered on its website, don't let this opportunity pass you by, you want to study for less, so take advantage and register!

✓ See also how to sign up for Educa Mais Brasil 2018!

How does Neora 2018 Scholarships work?

A Neora 2018 Scholarships It works as follows: it offers unfilled vacancies on certain courses with discounts on monthly fees. The candidate only needs to participate in 3 stages:

  1. The candidate researches the scholarship available at the institution where they wish to study;
  2. Buy the Neora discount coupon, this coupon is used to guarantee the discount until the end of the course;
  3. Follow the steps on your Neora coupon, these steps include handing in the coupon at registration or at the entrance exam you are taking.

NEORA teaching modalities with discounts

A Neora 2018 Scholarships offers discounts for the following modalities, check the list below:

  • Undergraduate Courses for Higher Education;
  • Postgraduate Courses for Higher Education;
  • Professional technical courses;
  • Language Courses;
  • Free Courses.

Neora partner institutions 2018 Scholarships

A Neora 2018 Scholarships It has partnerships with several educational institutions. Every year this number increases, below you can see some examples, see:

  • Unicsul;
  • Sumaré College;
  • FMU;
  • Drummond College;
  • Zumbi dos Palmares College;
  • UniCesumar;
  • Estácio;
  • CCAA;
  • Company Languages;
  • CTEC;
  • Paulista School of Business.

Courses with grants of up to 70%

Below you can check just a few examples of courses that have discounts of up to 70% on monthly fees. Look:

  • Business Administration;
  • Soccer;
  • Commercial management;
  • Environmental management;
  • Production engineering;
  • Electronic Engineering;
  • Physical education;
  • Logistics;
  • Marketing;
  • Mathematics;
  • Pedagogy;
  • Management processes;
  • Public relations.

NEORA Applications 2018 Scholarships

Below you can follow all the steps to register for the Neora 2018 Scholarships. See how easy it is:

  • Visit the NEORA official website, search for the course you want to take or, if you prefer, search for the educational institution you want to study at and click on “Search scholarship”;

  • A screen will open with all the institutions that offer the chosen course, with the respective discounts applied, choose the option you want by clicking on the “I want this scholarship” option;

  • Check all the information about the course you want to take and click on “I want this scholarship”;

  • Register on official site filling in all the information requested;
  • Buy the Neora coupon;
  • Register for the entrance exam and present the Neora coupon at registration and on the day of the entrance exam.
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