PEP – Private Student Installment Plan: Sign up!
PEP – Private Student Installment Plan is gaining more and more followers! See how PEP works, its benefits and the application process.
Have you heard about the PEP – Private Student Installment? Bringing several advantages to those who need a little push to study, the PEP – Private Student Installment It has been gaining more and more followers and today you will find out how it works. Don't forget to check it out!

PEP – Private Student Installment
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PEP – Private Student Installment Plan: What is it?
Eight large educational institutions joined forces to enable the creation of the PEP and allow several Brazilians to realize their dream of studying in higher education: Anhanguera, Pitágoras, Fama, Uniderp, Unic, Unopar, Unirondon and Unime.
This, which is the largest education group in the world, created the single pre-approved installment plan for students entering higher education. This is the PEP.
As Private Student Installment, the tuition fees for the higher education course you always dreamed of will fit in your pocket and you can start studying today! After graduating, you pay up to 70% of your course fee.
It is a simplified and agile process. Check out the next topics to learn more about PEP – Private Student Installment.
PEP – Private Student Installment Plan: Greatest Benefits
There are many benefits of PEP and, below, we list some of them for you to know.
- The benefit is valid for the entire course.
- There is no interest charged! You pay up to 70% only after you graduate.
- It is a pre-approved installment plan, you just need to pass the selection process and the rest of the process will be carried out without complications and bureaucracy.
- You do not need to have a bank account, as the PEP is contracted directly with the college, that is, it is not financing.
- It is not necessary to have taken the ENEM. In FIES (Student Financing Fund), a government initiative to facilitate entry into higher education, the candidate is required to present the ENEM score. In PEP, this is not a requirement, but if you have taken the test, you will not need to do the selection process.
PEP – Private Student Installment Plan: How to Register?
To register and hire the PEP, you simply need to be enrolled in one of the institutions we mentioned at the beginning of this post. Remember:
- Anhanguera
- Pythagoras
- Fame
- Uniderp
- Unic
- Unopar
- Unirondon
- Unime
See how simple the Private Student Installment Registration process is:
- Register at your desired college. If you already have an ENEM score, mention it and say that you want to join the PEP. This way, you will not need to take the selection process test.
- If you do not have an ENEM score to present, go to the institution to take the selection process test on the scheduled day.
- Wait for the results of the selection process. If you are approved, go to the institution to enroll and then say that you want to join the PEP.
PEP – Private Student Installment Plan: How to Make a Transfer?
If you are studying at a college that does not offer PEP, but want to join the program, you can request a transfer.
To do this, access the program's official website by clicking here and fill out the “I want to transfer” form. Just wait for the return.
If you have any questions, simply ask the PEP team to contact you by leaving your details on the official website by clicking on “I want to leave my details”.
Good luck and good studies!