PRAVALER 2018: New Fies, Credit and Simulation

PRAVALER 2018 ➜ Looking for information? See the rules for registering for the PRAVALER 2018 program ✓✓ Discounts ✓✓ Financing ✓✓

O PRAVALER 2018 came to replace FIES and make the program much more sustainable and democratic, ensuring that financing is directed to those who really need it. See how PRAVALER 2018 will work and register.



✓ Also check out the programs below:

How does this new Fies work?

Fies will undergo a significant change. It will now be divided into three different modalities, each with very specific characteristics, audiences and interest rates. They will work as follows:

  • Fies 1: Candidates who reside anywhere in the country and who have a per capita family income of up to 3 minimum wages will have a zero interest rate;
  • Fies 2: Candidates who reside in the Northeast, North or Central-West regions and who belong to a family whose per capita income is up to 5 monthly minimum wages will have an interest rate of 3%;
  • Fies 3: Candidates with a per capita family income of up to 5 minimum wages will have variable interest rates.

Those who sign up for Fies 1 need to know that all financing is done with public resources, while Fies 2 and 3 have the support of BNDES or the National Bank for Economic and Social Development and regional banks.

What is the objective of this PRAVALER 2018 program?

The main objective of PRAVALER 2018 is to considerably reduce the number of defaulters and thus increase the possibility of making this program more sustainable.

Another main objective is to increase the development of the North, Northeast and Central-West regions. These regions have the fewest people enrolled in higher education institutions.

The democratization of student credit that this program will bring about will contribute significantly to the economic growth of this region.

How to get financing from PRAVALER 2018?

To be eligible for financing from PRAVALER 2018, you must have taken the ENEM exam. Several educational institutions offer places for those who took the ENEM exam.

In the Fies 1 option, around 100 thousand places are offered without any interest rate, Fies 2 will offer 150 thousand places and Fies 3 will offer 60 thousand places.

How do I check my credit and run a simulation in PRAVALER 2018?

With this reformulation of FIES, students can check the credit line available for their income and that of their guarantor. With this option, it is easier to know how much the candidate will pay until the end of the course.

To check the credit line offered according to your income, simply visit official websitel;

To run your simulation, simply follow the steps below:

Step 1

Visit the FOR REAL website;

Step 2

Register by filling in your personal information such as name, CPF, email;

Step 3

Choose the institution and campus you want to study at;

Step 4

Create a password and access the system, you will be able to check all the financing information for the course you want to take.

With these changes, many people who are unable to take a higher education course will have the opportunity to study and graduate.

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