Telephone Educa Mais Brasil 2019: Service

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Anyone who is a beneficiary of a scholarship offered by the Educa Mais Brasil program will be able to resolve any doubts regarding their benefit through the Telephone Educa Mais Brasil 2019. Discounts on monthly fees reach 70%. Find out what the Telephone Educa Mais Brasil 2019 and get in touch.

Telefone Educa Mais Brasil 2019

Telephone Educa Mais Brasil 2019

Created by the Federal Government in partnership with several educational institutions, the Educa Mais Brasil 2019 It has already helped hundreds of people graduate and complete their studies.

Paying monthly fees nowadays is not easy, especially with the economic crisis that the country is experiencing. With Educa Mais Brasil it's uncomplicated, and everything is done online. Depending on the availability of the bag, you can purchase it at the same time.

See how it works and start studying today, be part of the more than 300 thousand students participating in the program.

Modalities that receive discounts with Educa Mais Brasil

Anyone who wants to study and pay a fairer monthly fee that fits into their monthly budget cannot fail to sign up for the Educa Mais Brasil program. Every year, new educational institutions become partners and offer scholarships with discounts reaching 70%.

You will find scholarships at practically all levels of training. Find out which options offer discounts:

  • Basic education;
  • Technical courses;
  • Professional courses;
  • Preparation for competitions;
  • Pre-university exam/ ENEM;
  • Language courses;
  • Graduation;
  • Postgraduate studies.

Educa Mais Brasil courses

Calling the Telephone Educa Mais Brasil 2019, you can consult in more detail all the available course information. To illustrate, below we list some of these courses that offer discounts. Look:

  • Accounting Sciences;
  • Physical education;
  • Pedagogy;
  • Biological Sciences;
  • Dentistry;
  • Mathematics;
  • Right;
  • Nursing;
  • Nutrition;
  • Administration.

Educa Mais Brasil partner institutions

Each year, new institutions become partners of the program and offer places on their courses.

You can also obtain information about these institutions by calling Telephone Educa Mais Brasil 2019.

See the list below of some partner institutions for you to get to know:

  • UNIP;
  • Cruzeiro do Sul University;
  • Anhanguera College;
  • ETOSP;
  • Praxis College;
  • Supplementary Decision;
  • Sumaré Colleges;
  • Drummond College;
  • Anhembi Morumbi.

Learn how to register for Educa Mais Brasil

The entire process of registration Educa Mais brazil and choosing the course is done online and everything is very easy, you will only need a computer with an internet connection.

Even if the scholarships are not yet available for 2019, you can check the steps below to see how to proceed.


  • Access the program's official website clicking here;
  • Right on the home screen, you will find all the options that offer discounts on monthly fees; choose one of them;
  • Fill in the corresponding fields to carry out your search: this information is, for example, whether the course is distance learning or face-to-face or which series you are looking for;
  • On the screen that opens, check the information about the course and click on “I want this scholarship”;
  • Follow the instructions and complete your application.

Discover the Educa Mais Brasil 2019 phone

If you have questions regarding the program, please call contact Educa Mais Brasil 2019. In fact, there are two numbers. Write them down:

  • 4007 2020 (capitals and metropolitan regions);
  • 0800 724 7202 (other locations).
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